It’s October 16th, What’s up Jotham?

Hey y’all, I hope this email finds you safe and well. No matter how you found my newsletter, thank you for joining.

I know what you are thinking, “Jotham, what is this Rabbit Hole of Research?” Well, my newsletter comes out twice a month (this is the goal), one edition will feature an author interview, book promos/samplers and giveaways; The second edition will explore the quirky science in fiction. Also, I say Handwavium a lot. Handwavium is a fictional material used to smooth plot holes.

So, a couple quick updates and no Handwavium.

A lot has happened since the last Rabbit Hole of Research newsletter—I am now represented by the literary agent Kat Kerr at the Donald Maass Literary Agency!

I am excited to work with Kat!

Other thing that has gained some attention in the last couple week is my mustache! I’ve been trying different waxes to tame the might-stache—you can follow the adventures of the stache and craft beers I’m drinking on Instagram. Been trying some different waxes to tame, shape, the stache.

The other thing you may have noticed if you follow me on SocialMedia AtomicNumber14 (Georgia) and I have officially combined our talents for your enjoyment on Rabbit Hole of Research newesletters. We will be putting together some Zines in the near future combining my words and Georgia’s prints.Georgia’s prints are on display at Studio 659 art gallery in Whiting, IN.

Last weekend, Georgia and I along with two friends finally got to see RENT. During the lockdown there was a NPR story about the 25th anniversary tour and the life and legacy of Jonathan Larson (Check it out here).
I was driving down the relatively empty streets of Chicago and my eyes teared up listening to this—Once parked I immediately texted my good fried who is a huge RENT fan and asked if she wanted to go (she has seen RENT with her wife 10+ times). She said yes! LOL
This was the first live performance we all had been to since early 2020. Masked, vaccinated and it was nice to be out and see this fabulous performance. Also, I discovered that I really enjoy musicals—

And finally, my paranormal romance shifter novella, ‘Eve’ was delivered to the publisher and will be released October 31st in the Moonlight Anthology! You can Preorder it now!

Also, the publisher just let us know that a limited number of paperback copies will be available—stay tuned for more on that.

Click Here to PreOrder Now

Okay, That’s all the major updates and news. And you can always email or follow me online for real time tracking). So, no author interview this month, but did find some awesome authors to share and book fairs!