Change is hard

I’m on the move. Not physically but digitally. Moving my newsletter from Mailchimp to Substack.

Besides my Rabbit Hole of Research newsletter, Substack will also be home to my podcast, and more regular updates about other creatives, my writing journey and the lessons I learn along the way.

I’ll try to update the blog here with updates as well, but please consider joining me at Substack. Hope to see you there.

Happy New Year 2023

Wishing you a wonderful and healthy 2023

I’m kicking off the new year with a bang and going to be a guest and panelist at MarsCon 2023 in Virginia Beach, VA!

MarsCon January 13-15th 2023!

I’ll be on six panels:

1. Religion, Magic and Science

2. Worldbuilding: Food and Drink

3. Researching Your Story

4. Do They Still Need HMO’s in Your World?

5. Dystopia is a Double Edge Sword for the Author

6. How Do You Define SciFi in 2023?

I am so excited. This was one of my personal goals of 2022 to be invited to a Con and be on panels talking about science and science fiction. Come on down and check it out! Hope to see you there.