
Rabbit Hole of Research is going to be exhibitors at the NWI Comic Con 2022!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Lake County Fair Grounds
889 South Court Street, Crown Point, IN

Click here for tickets and other event info!

Come out and say hello! We will be releasing the first three Rabbit Hole of Research Zines (expanded episodes with more cool art work), Coloring Books, copies of my debut novel, and there will be a giveaway! Georgia (@atomic_number 14) and I (@jomega22) can not wait!

What’s up Jotham? Is it too late to say Happy New Year?

It’s January 2022, and even though we are 8 days into the New Year, and a little late to the party, I’m going to wish you all a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

I always wonder how late is too late to wish someone a Happy New Year. I mean what if the first time you see someone is in March, is it okay to say, “Happy New Year.” Okay, March may be pushing it, but when do you stop saying, “Happy New Year?” The same day the Holiday decorations come down; after the Chinese New Year? Or are you wishing Uncle Charlie a Happy New Year and Independence Day with some potato salad? LOL

Okay, I’m being a little silly!

At the end of the year Georgia (atomicnumber14) and I found out that Rabbit Hole of Research would have a table at the eighth NWI Comic Con on February 12th 2022! This was exciting and terrifying news and we realized we had a bit of work to get done. But I am happy to report we have put together some Zines a coloring book and some other fun stuff to debut at the Con. Here is a sneak peek of one of the Zines:

This has been a fun collaborative project. Mark your calendar: more details coming soon about the Comic Con!

Oh, ignore that microphone in the picture, that would have nothing to do with that podcast thing I’ve been talking about. That’s not the handwavium you are looking for!

The other thing that has been filling my time is working on the Developmental Edits of my new Novel. I did meet my goal to have the first round of cuts and structural rewrites finished early January. Doing the numbers I cut around 7,000 words, and added back around 17,000, for a net gain of 10K words.

Now I am reading the novel to make sure no plot holes opened up during all this restructuring, and filling them in. I am very excited about this novel and looking forward to the day it get’s into your hands, but the road to publishing is a long a arduous one. But while you wait don’t forget about my two stories out right now:

My paranormal romance werewolf shifter novella, ‘Eve’ will be gone soon! So, Order it Now: Kindle Unlimited, ebook and paperback! If you picked up a copy, thank you!

Also, my Sci-Fi Psychological Thriller Novel turns 1-years old next month, ‘Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?’ Order online Now: e-book and paperback!

Maybe a limited edition Hardback copy giveaway to celebrate will be in order! If you cannot wait for the giveaway, I have some copies for sale on my web shop

One last thing would be the Standing Desk I mentioned last month. I ordered some electric legs off Amazon and I will be attaching the top I am finishing this weekend to it. I will post the finished pictures, but here are the legs. (Ignore the unfinished basement floor.)

Okay, That’s all of the major news. Keep reading below to check out the new feature, and check out some of the creatives that are keeping me entertained.

And Finally, after a long break, I will be back later this month with a brand new Rabbit Hole of Research Episode! Check out the old ones to get your snarky Handwavium-Science Fix!

You can always email or follow me online for real time tracking and to see what craft beers I’m drinking (find me on Untappd @jomega22).

What am I reading and listening to in January 2022?


Tales From the Cryptic Closet: See it in Terrifying 3D!
Guerrilla Publishing

This is the third issue in the Horror anthology series. A great collaborative effort!
I am looking forward to more stuff from Guerrilla Publishing. Full disclosure: I backed this project on Kickstarter, and even got my Face on the back cover. Still a good read! Go get it!


There’s a Revolution Outside, My Love

Edited by Tracy K. Smith and John Freeman

A wonderful anthology that I’ve been digesting slowly over the past couple weeks; best summed up in the book’s description:

“Galvanizing and lyrical, this is a deeply profound anthology of writing filled with
pain and beauty, warmth and intimacy. A remarkable feat of empathy, There’s a
Revolution Outside, My Love offers solace in a time of swirling protest, change,
and violence-reminding us of the human scale of the upheaval, and providing
hope for a kinder future.”

Add this on to your to read pile!


The Stand: Stephen King

I read or listen to this masterpiece of fiction yearly. Reading and thinking about the way this story is constructed (pacing, tone, dialogue, plotting) has been helpful to my own writing.
Check it out!


I have been really digging this new soulful alternative country mash up.
Go add Amythyst Kiah’s Wary Strange to your playlist!

Okay, that’s where I’m at. I’ll try to update y’all every month on books, comics, and music that I’ve been digging! I’ll try to add some indie author reads!

Email me and let me know what you’ve been into and what I should check out! Or follow me online for more realtime updates: Jotham’s Social Links