Le Fay

I saw Le Fay on Kickstarter some time ago from Evoluzione Publishing, and they pulled me in with the hook: “If Jessica Jones was a Fay Sorcerous.”
The story is about woman, Morgan le Fay who works as a private investigator for the occult underworld in modern times. I really like the art work and I cannot wait to dig into this. I picked up Vol 1-5.
FInal Girl Support Group by
Grady Hendrix

In horror movies, the final girl is the one who’s left standing when the credits roll. The one who fought back, defeated the killer, and avenged her friends. But after a decade of trying to find peace, a group of final girls become become hunted once again.
This was a fast-paced horror thriller. Go check out all the rave reviews and add it to your TBR-list!
A Fading Star by Greg Hickey

Writing can be a very lonely endeavor, but I try to make an effort to make as many connections to other writers as possible. It’s always nice to have someone that understands what it is like experiencing the highs and lows in the writing/publishing/marketing trenches. So, it was a nice surprise when a fellow author, who happens to be from Chicago, reached out to me about my short story, “Summer Without Leaves.” I am looking forward to reading Greg’s novel, “A Fading Star,” and you can get a free sample of the novel, HERE!
No new Music to report, but I have been listening to a number of Podcasts. Here are two of them:
The Shit No One Tells You About Writing

In this podcast, Bianca Marais, interviews authors, agents, editors and just about anyone and everyone who’s involved in bringing a book to market.
Creative PepTalk