Hey y’all, I hope this email finds you safe and well. No matter how you found my newsletter, thank you for joining.
I know what you are thinking, “Jotham, what is this Rabbit Hole of Research?” Well, my newsletter comes out twice a month (this is the goal), one edition will feature an author interview, book promos/samplers and giveaways; The second edition will explore the quirky science in fiction. Also, I say Handwavium a lot.
So, Just a couple quick updates and no Handwavium.
August 15th I’ll be at the Munster Community Market with Georgia (Atomic Number 14)

September 11th I’ll be signing books at the 36th Annual Chicago Printer’s Row Lit Fest!! I’ll be at the CWA booth from 12-3pm on Saturday September 11th—it’s an awesome time, read more about the festival here, and come out and say hello!
And—drumroll—at both signings I will have paperback and hardbackbooks! That’s right after some delays—long story and there will be some very limited edition misprint copies coming soon—I have hardback copies of Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else? These will be available at the signings and for order on my shop!

Okay, That’s all the major updates (can always email or follow me online for real time tracking).