Happy July! I know we are a week or so in, but it’s never to late to spread some joy! The past week has been crazy and the crazy weather didn’t help. So what happened? My sump pump died and got about one inch of water in the laundry room—I jumped into action and replaced the sump pump, but while changing it I accidentally sliced my finger.
I was almost finished with installing the replacement sump pump when I cut my finger, so I wrapped a towel around my bleeding finger and continued to install the sump pump. My youngest son came up to me and said, “Dad, you’re bleeding”
I shook my head and responded, “I ain’t got time to bleed.”

After I got the sump pump installed and most of the water cleaned up, I did go to urgent care. They patched me up with a few Steri Strips (did have a nice conversation with the Doc about stitches vs Steri Strips). I’m glad to report about a week later my finger is healing nicely!

In writing land, I finished the first round of edits on the two Novellas that will be published this fall (hurt finger cannot stop editing). Waiting to get some beta-reader feedback, but will have to send them off to editor for proofreading in August.
Get ready and order your copy of Moonlight now (my novella, “Eve” will be in this along with any many other wonderful authors!)
Preorder ‘Moonlight: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance Anthology’ is now available here.

My novella Eve, is about a werewolf named Eve (And yes, I did a science of werewolf episode). Eve is looking to protect her pact, to survive, and falling in love with a human is not part of her plan. As I mentioned, there is an awesome lineup of authors that I’m happy to be working with, so click the link and preorder Moonlight now.
And, you read correctly, I said two novellas are being released this fall. The second will be in the Emerging Worlds Anthology. I am doing a post-zombie novella titled, “The Cure”. They promised the Cure would end Zombie and return life to normal, but nobody promised normal would be easy. I’ve wanted to write a zombie story for some time, and looking at post zombie life is fun. I just finished writing this one, but I will have to do a Rabbit Hole of Research on Zombies!!
As many of you know, my debut novel, “Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?’ was released on February 23rd 2021. I have paperback copies already available at my website, but I will soon have Hardback copies!!! Keep your eyes out for this.
Also, Daniel Roche did a YouTube review of my novel: Go check it out here.
Hopefully, with COVID restrictions easing (folks are getting vaccinated which is good) I may be able to do book signings and other fun things, stay tuned for details! I do have books in the wild at Paul Henry’s Art Gallery in Hammond, IN and at the Green Witch Cafe in Highland, IN
And don’t worry, there will be a new issue of Rabbit Hole of Research on July 24th, the One Year Anniversary and I’ll be getting Sexy in Space again! If you want to read past issues, check them out here!
Follow me online, and feel free to Email me with questions, comments, questionable science, or who you’d like to see interviewed.