Episode 2: The Show Notes
This has no particular format, just correcting or updating anything in the show we didn’t get a chance to fully talk about or things we had on the tips of our tongues and couldn’t get out as we recorded. As always feel free to comment and we will address stuff in future shows! Enjoy:
What we drinking:
Joe: Riot: Revolution Brewery
Nick: Foeder Fiend Three Floyd’s
Let us know:
What do you think about AI?
Any questions we didn’t cover?
What did we get wrong (Check the show notes)?
Show notes:
Algorithms bias in medical
Chat bot on social media
AI Fashion model week
Anti-AI clothing
Artist using Anti-AI digital image protection:
UChicago scientists develop new tool protect artists
New tools help artists fight AI by directly disrupting the systems
Protection against facial recognition in digital photos
AI math
Affective Computing
Self driving cars and google search misidentify POC because of training data
Self driving car racial bias
Google racist gorillas photo recognition algorithm

You can always email (I do answer back), click the comment link below, or follow me online for real time tracking.