What’s Jotham Reading?
I’m not sure how I did it, but I read 8 books since the last time I checked in. As you know I didn’t write a couple newsletters, so that’s where the extra time went. LOL. I read in a few genres: from Horror (cordyceps fungus zombies and supernatural revenge), literary fiction, and a healthy dose of Seth Godin (marketing, leadership and living a creative life). These were some great reads to take my mind off the tasks at hand.
- M. R. Carey: The Girl With All The Gifts(zombies)
- M. R. Carey: The Boy On The Bridge (zombies)
- Elizabeth Wetmore: Valentine (literary fiction: CWA 2020 Book Of The Year)
- Seth Godin: Purple Cow- Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable (marketing)
- Seth Godin: The Practice: Shipping Creative Work (creative life)
- Seth Godin: The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly (leadership)
- Seth Godin: Linchpin: Are You Indispensable(leadership)
- Stephen Graham Jones: The Only Good Indians(supernatural horror)
Comics/Graphic Novels:
Not only did I spend the past three months away from y’all reading novels, I also read 6 graphic novels. Everything from Manga horror, coming of age and a banned book. I also went to CAKE (Chicago’s Alternative Comics Expo with Georgia last month (I’ll be sharing finds from that next newsletter).
- Charles Forsman: I’m Not Okay With This(Coming of age; Netflix series)
- Maia Kobabe Gender Queer: A Memoir(autobiographical gender identity: Most challenged/ banned book)
- Junji Ito: Tomie
- Junji Ito: No Longer Human
- Junji Ito: Shiver
- Junji Ito: Deserter
You can follow me on Goodreads to see what I’m reading next:
What’s Jotham Listening to:
I was still digging my monthly subscription to Vinyl Moon. It’s like a mix-tape on vinyl, except they create an experience combining the curated eclectic mix of songs with story telling and artwork. It’s pretty cool and I’m excited to get more editions. ‘
I did do some record digging at a record shop recently, and I’ll share those gems next month.

Here are the four top podcasts I’ve been finding time for:
- Creative Peptalk by Andy J Pizza (A companion for your creative journey)
- Akimbo: Seth Godin (a podcast about culture and our place in it)
- Story Nerd: Melanie Hill and Valerie Francis (Story theory and how to use)
- The Shit No One Tells You About Writing: Bianca Marais, CeCe Lyra and Carly Waters (Behind the scenes look at publishing industry)