In this episode we dig into regeneration: axolotls, Wolverine’s caloric intake, Deadpool & Cancer, 3D-bioprinting, Fifth Element, Attack on Titan, Groot, Hydra, Morphallaxis, Bioelectronics and more.

Episode 14: Exploring Regeneration from Wolverine and Deadpool to Actual Factual Science
Welcome to the Shownotes! We are staying organized with timestamps (folks seemed to like them). As always, feel free to comment, and we will address stuff in future shows! Enjoy.
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artwork by
Georgia Geis@atomicnumber14
Joe’s Show Notes:
00:00 Welcome to the Rabbit Hole of Research
00:42 Upcoming Movie: Wolverine and Deadpool July 26th 2024
00:49 Podcast Plans and Mini Episodes
02:37 Drinks of the Day
- Nick: Galactic Grizzly: Sun King and Liquid Death
- Joe: Turbo Reaper: 3 Floyd’s and Water
03:37 Introduction to Limb and Organ Regeneration
04:27 Regeneration in Animals
- Five animals that can regenerate – The Guardian
- 6 Animals that Can Regenerate Body Parts – SciTechDaily
- How do Animals Regenerate Limbs? | Deep Sea World
- The cellular basis for animal regeneration – PMC – NCBI
- How These 4 Animals Can Regenerate and Why Humans Can’t
04:43 Plant Regeneration
05:21 Mechanisms of Regeneration
10:27 the Cnidarian hydra
- Ray Harryhausen’s skeleton warriors children from the hydra’s teeth
- Hercules vs the Hydra
12:48 Marvel Characters and Regeneration
13:13 Deadpool
- Deadpool’s Healing Factor Upgrade Makes Even Wolverine Look Underpowered
- Deadpool’s Healing Factor is The Opposite of Wolverine’s
16:28 Dr. Curtis Connors (Lizard)
- Proliferation versus regeneration
- From cancer to rejuvenation
- Houston Methodist researchers review the similarities and contrasts of amphibian regeneration and mammalian cancer…
- Cancer from the perspective of stem cells and misappropriated tissue regeneration mechanisms
- How stem cell therapies can provide new ways to stop tumors from spreading or coming back
20:57 The Fifth Element (1997)
22:20 Wolverine’s Healing Factor
- Hayflick Limit
- Wolverine (Healing Factor Superpower) Science Explained (Biology)
- Marvel Explains Why Wolverine’s Healing Factor is So Powerful
- How Wolverine’s Healing Factor Works (With Science) – YouTube
28:20 Debating Groot’s True Nature
28:39 Rocket Raccoon’s Origins
29:37 The Reality Stone
31:22 Jurassic World Dinosaurs
32:16 Superman’s Healing Powers
33:08 Vampires and Regeneration (Future Episode 21)
36:06 LD 50 or Median Lethal Dose
38:02 Attack on Titan
40:49 Human Regeneration
- Liver Regeneration
- Regeneration in humans – Wikipedia
- What Is Regeneration, and Can Other Organs … – Discover Magazine
- Which human body organ can regrow? – BYJU’S
- Curious Kids: why can some organs regenerate while others can’t?
47:43 The Mummy (1999)
48:18 Voldemort grew a rudimentary body
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